Tara Delve
- 1 min
Little Puppet
This song helps to embed the concepts of anticipation, internalisation and awareness of phrasing. Babies: Place babies to face you (if...
Tara Evans
- 3 min
5 top tips for music making with your newborn.
You might be surprised to know that there are benefits to sharing music with your baby from the moment they are born. In fact, your baby...
Tara Delve
- 2 min
Peek-a-boo songs are a brilliant way to engage your little one in music making. This type of activity teaches object permanence (that...
Tara Delve
- 0 min
How to sing to your little one.
Singing with your child is such a powerful tool if used correctly.
Tara Delve
- 2 min
The Palmar Reflex
The Palmar reflex develops into the baby being able to grasp and release an object and as motor control improves through proper neural
Tara Delve
- 1 min
Sing to your bump!
Did you know that babies can identify melodies sung by their mother during pregnancy, up to one month after their birth? With this in...
Tara Delve
- 2 min
The Moro Reflex
As discussed in my last blog, we all are born with seven primitive reflexes that serve the sole purpose to keep us alive
Tara Delve
- 2 min
Sick of Baby Shark?
“I’m not sure how much more of baby shark I can take!” I admitted in my music session last week.