Tara Delve
- 2 min
Find Your Voice: 5 Easy Steps to hit the right notes
1) Check you are not actually Tone Deaf Did you know that about 3% of people have something called tone deafness? It's a real condition...
Tara Delve
- 2 min
Singing is the key...
At Music in Unison, we strongly believe that singing and movement are the body's first musical instrument.
Tara Delve
- 1 min
What is musicianship training?
At Music in Unison we believe in training the child to be a musician and not just an instrumental player.
Tara Delve
- 0 min
How we develop our musicians.
From birth to the age of 5 we are priming our mini musicians with the skills necessary
Tara Delve
- 1 min
How can I help my child to become more musical?
Contrary to popular belief, musical children are not a product of a set of genetic gifts. Rather, they are the product of parents
Tara Delve
- 0 min
The best music apps for under 5's
The best music apps for the under 5's explained.
Tara Delve
- 2 min
The Palmar Reflex
The Palmar reflex develops into the baby being able to grasp and release an object and as motor control improves through proper neural
Tara Delve
- 2 min
The Moro Reflex
As discussed in my last blog, we all are born with seven primitive reflexes that serve the sole purpose to keep us alive
Tara Delve
- 2 min
First things first. The importance of musicianship training for your child.
Before a child takes a musical instrument in their hand, they need to be able to understand the language of music.
Tara Delve
- 2 min
What music should I listen to with my child?
This is a question that is often asked to me by parents in my sessions. With the popularity of the Mozart effect and the associated...